With trembling fingers, Jon slowly unbuttoned the pale pink cotton shirt Valerie wore. As he spread the fabric open, he could see Valerie’s pulse throbbing in her neck, and a very becoming blush creeping over her chest. Jon’s fingers itched to rip the clothes from her body, but had read between the lines when Valerie had said it’d been a long time since someone had held her close. What a crying shame. This woman was made to be held and to feel cherished. He did not want to rush this with her, although he wanted nothing more than to sink himself deep within her.
Jon ran reverent fingers across her neck and across her collarbone, making her shiver. He leaned in to trail light kisses where his fingers had been, and Valerie’s hands tightened their grip on his arms. The sensations assaulting Valerie made her weak. She didn’t know how this simple touching, these light kisses and caresses could go through to her very core and ignite such wanton feelings of lust. Jon was being gentle, but she didn’t want him to. She wanted him to be bold and forceful, and to take what he wanted from her. She wanted to get swept away in the passion and heat and oh! what he was doing with his mouth was sweet torture.
Jon had dipped his head to tease a nipple that had poked up at his gentle caresses. He rolled the nub in his mouth, dampening the bra that still covered it. He bit it lightly, and Valerie gasped. Jon smiled. He was relieved to know that she was as turned on as he was – that she wanted, no needed, this as much as he did.
Valerie shrugged out of her shirt, and set to work on the buttons of Jon’s. She couldn’t work the little buttons through their holes, she was shaking too much. “Do you especially like this shirt?” she asked.
Jon shrugged, continuing to kiss Valerie’s skin, wherever he could reach it. “I have no particular attachment to it,” he said. “Why?”
“Because these fucking buttons are seriously pissing me off,” she said, ripping the shirt open and sending the offensive bits of plastic flying. Jon sucked in a breath as Valerie began a soft, teasing exploration of her own. Her clever fingers danced across his skin, burning him where they touched. They left trails of fire as they swept from his shoulders to his waist and back again, and he nearly forgot he was trying to be gentle with her. Valerie could sense something wasn’t right, and she leaned back to look into Jon’s face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, half afraid of the answer she would get.
“Nothing, just give me a second to get control of myself,” he answered on a rasp. His chest was heaving, and his hands were clamped onto Valerie’s hips. He was sweating and panting and, Valerie thought, looking gorgeously, dangerously aroused.
“I don’t want you to be in control of yourself,” Valerie answered before she could stop herself. “Do you know what a powerful feeling it is to know that I’m making you want to lose control?” She leaned in and planted a juicy kiss on one of Jon’s nipples, and he cried out, dropping his head back, and shutting his eyes. “Jon, look at me.” She waited until he did. “I want you. To take me. Now.”
With a slow smile, a smile that finally reached those gorgeous baby blues, Jon drawled, “Yes, ma’am.” He hauled Valerie hard up against him, and drove his tongue into her mouth. He backed her up until she was against the wall, and leaned in. One hand was holding her head captive while the other fumbled at her bra catch. When it finally released, Valerie let go of Jon’s waist long enough to pull it off her, and mashed her breasts into his chest, relishing the feeling of being skin-to-skin with him. The hair on his chest tickled her sensitive skin. Jon broke the kiss to drop to his feet and unfasten Valerie’s jeans. He pulled them and her panties down slowly, kissing each inch of creamy leg as it was revealed. By the time he got the garments completely off, Valerie was bracing so hard against the wall, she was amazed she didn’t press through it.
Jon scooped Valerie into his arms, and brought her to the bed. He yanked the duvet from it, and laid Valerie gently down on the pillows. He gazed hungrily at her; over her lush breasts to her trim waist and flat stomach, to the curls at the apex of her thighs; down her long legs to cute, pink-tipped feet. By now, his erection was painful in his pants, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He shucked shoes and pants like his life depended on it, and stretched out beside Valerie.
Valerie immediately knelt next to him, turned him on his back, and set to exploring his body with her hands much the same way he did hers with his eyes just moments before. Her light touch across his chest and hips and thighs nearly drove him over the edge. When her small hands grasped him firmly, one on his balls, the other on his shaft his eyes closed, and his head lolled to one side. Jon’s hands were fisting in the sheets, and he was shaking.
“Darlin’,” he said, “I seriously can’t take much of that. I’m sorry, but it’s been far too long.”
Valerie just smiled. She leaned down to take him into her mouth, shocked at her own brazenness. He seemed to bring it out in her. She had a fleeting thought of “if only Kallie could see me now,” and nearly giggled. It came out a hum, which made Jon arch on the bed. Pleased with that reaction, she hummed again as she moved her mouth over him. Jon reached for Valerie and pulled her from him. When she moaned in protest, he deftly flipped her under him, and drove into her with one hard thrust.
Valerie screamed his name as the feel of him inside her, stretching her, filling her, made her come. She didn’t realize just how wound up she was until he touched her. She couldn’t believe how fast this came upon her. Jon felt her squeezing and convulsing around her, and pumped into her hard and fast, and as she peaked a second time, again screaming his name, Jon joined her on the fall; no longer embarrassed that he had no stamina.
This time.