Valerie and Jon had spent the remainder of the morning on a tour of the house. Valerie showed real interest in the architecture and history of the house and the grounds, and Jon loved talking about his place, so before they knew it, it was lunchtime. They went into town and had a leisurely lunch at Dean & Deluca, after which they walked up and down Newtown Lane, ducking into the over-priced shops. Another long walk on the beach rounded out the afternoon. They had gotten back to the house to find Richie there again. The two men had talked while Valerie went into the library to relax. It was her second favorite room in the house; the first, of course, being Jon’s bedroom.
Valerie had selected a volume from the shelves, and settled into an oversized leather wing-backed chair to read. She must have dozed off, because she woke to the sensation of being carried. Jon was taking her upstairs. “What’s going on?” she asked sleepily.
“You fell asleep, sweetheart. I’m bringing you somewhere more comfortable.” Jon kissed her temple and only let her go when he placed her on the bed. He stood back to smile at the picture she made; all tousled and curled up comfortably.
“Aren’t you joining me?” Valerie asked sleepily.
Jon’s smiled widened, setting his eyes alight. “I would love nothing more, but the guys are coming over. Richie called them; they’re staying for dinner.”
Valerie knelt up on the bed. “Why?” Her voice was a little strained, and Jon just looked at her. “I mean why today?” she amended. “It must be a surprise to you, or you would have mentioned something earlier.” She remembered her exchange with Richie. “They’re here to give their approval or disapproval of me, aren’t they.”
Jon blushed; Valerie had hit the nail right on the head. “Jeez, when you put it like that – it bothers you some then?” Jon asked.
“What, being paraded out in front of your friends to make sure I pass muster?” Valerie just gave Jon a look. “Yeah, it does a little,” she said. “But, I know where Richie is coming from. Believe me, if the situations were reversed, my friends would be doing the same thing.” She sighed. “Go. I’ll be down in a little while. I need to wake up and get changed.”
“Sweetheart, you look fine,” Jon argued.
Valerie smiled at him condescendingly, and when she spoke, her voice was teasing. “Did you learn nothing from the women you’ve known over the years?” She shook her head at him. “We do not do windblown and rumpled when we’re meeting people for the first time; regardless of whether they’re rock stars or not.”
Jon laughed, his blue eyes sparkling and dancing. “All right, but don’t take too long.” He leaned down to kiss her, and Valerie caught him off guard by wrapping her arms around his neck and falling backwards. He landed on top of her, and she had him rolled under her in no time.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” she said seductively.
Jon groaned. “You know that if we come down together, they’re gonna know what we’ve been doing up here.” His reluctance was cute, but Valerie could tell it was all for show. His body was telling her all she needed to know.
“Jon, Richie already knows that, and I’m sure by now he’s said something to the others,” she said, lazily rocking on him; moaning a little at the friction.
“Yeah,” Jon said, snaking his hands under Valerie’s shirt, “you’re probably right.” His hands closed over her breasts and Valerie hissed. She worked the button and zipper on his jeans and reluctantly climbed off him to strip them and his Calvins from his legs. She shucked her leggings and panties just as quickly, and climbed back on top of him. She slowly lowered herself onto him and rode him gently, enjoying the sensation of him inside her, and the sight of him breathless and wanting below her. Jon put his hands on Valerie’s hips, giving himself leverage to drive up into her, unable to stand the sweet torture any longer. She smiled at his passion and leaned back, bracing on his calves, and just the shift in angle was enough to push her closer to the edge. She felt the familiar tightening, and her breathing started to come in little pants. Jon released her hip to snake a finger into her curls and tease her clit, making her gasp loudly. Jon chuckled and his chuckle turned to a groan as he felt Valerie tighten around him a split second before she cried his name. Her vice tightened more, and Jon growled as he emptied into her.
When the pair was freshly showered and dressed, they descended the grand staircase hand-in-hand, talking softly. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn’t notice they had an audience until they reached the bottom of the staircase. Standing there, arms crossed, was the rest of the band. Valerie looked at each of their faces; the fan in her hardly believing she was meeting them. The woman in her a little peeved at the circumstances.
Sighing, she smiled brightly and said, “I’m Valerie, nice to make your acquaintance. Richie, it’s nice to see you again.” With that, she pulled Jon to her and kissed him soundly, cupping his ass, then stepped back and wiped the lipstick from Jon’s mouth with her thumb. She gave the band an I-dare-you-to-comment look, and headed for the library with a decidedly sassy sway to her hips. “Anyone need a drink before dinner?” she asked over her shoulder, winking.
When she disappeared into the library, Jon’s friends burst out laughing.
Valerie was shaking. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, but being put on display made her a little cranky, and she was acting out. She heard the men’s laughter, and chuckled to herself, imagining what that little scene must have looked like. They came into the library and accepted drinks from Valerie, and settled down to chat. One by one, Jon watched each man fall under her spell. She was just so genuine and funny and smart and real that one couldn’t help be drawn to her.
After a quiet, casual dinner, they were settled once again in the library. Valerie had settled into the chair she occupied earlier, and let her mind wander while the men were talking. She noticed a lull in the conversation, and looked up to find four pairs of eyes watching her. Suddenly self-conscious, she smiled a nervous smile and said, “what?”
David spoke up. “We’re not used to being ignored, you know.”
Valerie arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Should I be hanging on your every word? Is the conversation that scintillating, or am I supposed to be blown away by your mere presence?”
“By our presence of course,” David answered. “You should be hanging on our every word because they’re our words. Is that not a perk of being an international rock star?”
Valerie burst out laughing. “You are too much. Sorry, but shop talk, even for a fan, gets boring. Now,” she said, leaning forward eagerly, and staring at David’s face. “If you were to tell me some stories from the old days, I’d give you my complete and undivided attention.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Jon said, smiling.
“Awww, c’mon, boss,” David said. Jon just gave him a look that said ‘subject closed’ and Valerie laughed.
They continued with the friendly banter until Tico stood and headed for the patio. “I’ll be back,” he said, taking a case from inside his jacket pocket.
“Cigars?” Valerie asked. Tico nodded. “Can I smell them?” Surprised, Tico brought the case over. Valerie drew out a rather short tube, and ran it delicately under her nose, inhaling deeply. “Mmmm, nice,” she said, and looked at it critically. “Holy shit! This is a pre-Castro cerdo volando – a Flying Pig. It’s gotta be more than 50 years old,” she gushed, sniffing it again, and closing her eyes in pleasure.
“You speak Spanish and know cigars?” Tico asked incredulously.
Valerie nodded. “Cigars were my father’s passion, and I learned a lot from him. I love the smell of cigar smoke, and the smooth, rich taste is intoxicating. Oh, and Spanish was just one of the languages I picked up in school.” She blushed, realizing how boastful that sounded, and handed the cigars back to Tico. “Sorry, got a little carried away there.”
“A woman who knows and enjoys cigars, speaks my language, and is beautiful to boot.” Tico said, shaking his head. “I didn’t think I’d see the day.”
Valerie blushed harder. “I belong to a small group of women that get together every couple of months to drink brandy and smoke cigars.” She giggled. “It’s a guilty pleasure, I guess.”
“Well,” Tico said, “in that case, fumar un cigarro conmigo?” he said, asking her to join him.
“Really?” Valerie was out of her chair before Tico could change his mind. “Con mucho gusto.” She looped her arm through his and let him escort her to the terrace, not even giving Jon or the others a backwards glance. The pair was chatting animatedly in Spanish while the others just stared.
Richie elbowed Jon and said, “Better watch out, bro. They seem to have a lot in common.” David laughed.
Jon didn’t find him funny, however. “Teek’s married and Val’s mine,” he said sternly. The three men followed Tico and Valerie to the patio doors, and watched as she expertly clipped the end of the cigar and lit it, twirling it in her mouth to get an even burn. She closed her eyes and puffed on it for a moment, and let out a low moan. “Qué magnifico,” she said softly. Valerie opened her eyes to see the others staring at her. “What now?” she asked, exasperated.
Tico laughed. “I think you’re more than any of us expected,” he said.
“So, do I pass inspection, then?” she asked, putting the cigar to her mouth and sucking on it slowly and deeply, making Jon squirm.
David laughed at Jon’s sudden discomfort. “Oh yeah,” he said. “You pass.”
Oh yeah, love the way she had them twined around her fingers. Laughed at her exchange with David and generally am enthralled with your writing style.
Well, thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've got a soft spot for David, because he's a wise-ass like me :o)
Smoking a cigar and speaking spanish with Tico. Very nice.
This was great Jen. Loved the banter between them all too. Valerie is a firecracker that's for sure.
Hope there's more soon.
That was one hell of a chapter .
Loved the way she nailed them with kissing Jon and ass grabbing. Priceless.
Wonder how much Jon will take of the sucking on the cigar before he carts her off lmao.
And we KNOW your a wise ass like David **rolls eyes**
Gail xx
oh what a funny chapter...
i wanna hear more about the early years lol
Smoking cigars and speaking spanish with Tico.... well than, the boys really love her lol
Amazing. Every thing Ive read thus far is simply amazing.
First time I've commented ((sorry bout that)) But I've loved every single one of your stories thus far. Keep it coming.. I wanna read more ;)
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