Chapter 19

He had to stop, though, when the water turned cold. By that time, the gentle swishing of the water against her skin had Valerie mewling. When she tried to rise from the tub, her vision swam, and she swayed. Jon caught her and scooped her into his arms before she could fall.

“Are you alright?” Jon asked, concerned.

“Fine baby,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his neck. ‘You just made me a little dizzy,” she giggled, nibbling on him now.

“Did I, now?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Valerie said, as she sucked his earlobe into her mouth. Jon moaned, and tightened his grip on her. He carried her out of the bathroom and upstairs to his bedroom, where he laid her gently on the bed. Valerie pulled Jon down on top of her, and they rolled to the middle of the bed. Jon settled on top of Valerie, slightly to one side so as not to crush her, and gently sipped from her lips.

Valerie could feel Jon’s erection pressing into her leg, and she urged him over on top of her. “Are you sure?” he asked. Valerie just nodded. Jon tried to ease into her, but she was so tight he couldn’t. “I’m gonna have to…I’m not going to be able to be gentle,” he said.

“So be rough,” Valerie answered.

Jon growled and pushed into her, making her scream out and bow up from the bed. Almost immediately, Jon could feel her juices flowing again, making his movements easier. He glided in and out of her slowly, watching Valerie as her eyes closed and her neck arched. Jon heard Valerie’s breathing come faster and faster, and she started to tighten around him again. He tried to hold back; but he couldn’t. His arms trembled as he came, calling her name. Valerie screamed and convulsed, joining him.

As they calmed their breathing, Valerie’s hands played over the contours of Jon’s chest and sighed.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Jon asked; his voice soft.

“Nothing, Jon,” Valerie said. “I was just thinking that this wonderful weekend is almost over.”

“Just because the weekend is over, doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to see each other,” he said.

Valerie nodded. “I know, it’ll just be, well, different,” she said.

“Different doesn’t have to be bad,” Jon replied.

“I know,” she said drowsily, as the day’s activities finally caught up with her.

“Sleep now my love,” Jon said, kissing her forehead. “We can talk tomorrow.”

There was no answer; Valerie was already asleep.

* * * * *

Saturday was clear and warm, and Valerie woke to the sound of birdsong. She felt wonderful, and indulged in a long, lazy stretch. She looked at the clock and groaned. It was coming up on ten o’clock. No wonder she felt so rested. She padded into the bathroom and gaped at what she saw in the mirror. Looking back at her was a woman who had been thoroughly loved. Gone were all traces of shadow from her eyes. Gone was the lax expression in her gaze. Looking back at her now was a vibrant, exciting woman, with just a trace of razor burn on her neck. She smiled to herself, and went in search of Jon.

She found him out back, crouching in front of something. He was dressed casually in snug black jeans a blue chambray shirt, and a soft, supple, brown leather jacket. His gorgeous eyes were hidden by shades, and his hair blew in the gentle breeze. Valerie’s heart stopped. He was just so perfect; she could still hardly believe she was here. Jon stepped back from a single daffodil that had pushed through the still brown wheat grass. A tune tinkled from his jacket, and he withdrew his cell phone. He dropped to the ground and leaned back on an elbow, looking up into the sky as he talked.

Jon was enjoying the morning, more so than he had in some time. As he talked about the upcoming tour, he started to tense. He didn’t want anything to interrupt the peace he was finally feeling. He looked up and saw Val standing there, and beckoned her over. Jon opened his arms to her, and Valerie snuggled against him. She rested her head on his chest and was fascinated by the rumbling his voice made in her ear. Jon held her close to him, an arm around her waist, and was lightly rubbing her back. Absently, she began stroking his chest, and she felt Jon’s arm tighten around her.

“Listen,” he said into the phone. “I’ve got someone here; I need to get going.” He stopped for a moment and laughed. “You’ll never know, Paul,” he said, and rang off. He kissed the top of Valerie’s head. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he said.

“Morning yourself,” Valerie answered. “Why’d you let me sleep so late?” she asked.

“You looked so cute and, well,” he chuckled. “You were pretty worn out last night,” he said kissing the top of her head.

Valerie blushed and chuckled. “Well I’m rested now,” she said, and playfully pinched his nipple through his shirt.

Jon hissed. “Oh really?” he said.

“Yep, really,” Valerie said.

Jon leaned her back in his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

“Well then, let’s see if we can’t get you tired again.”

Chapter 18

“Alright, guys,” Jon said, unable to tear his gaze away from Valerie’s mouth. “I think…” he trailed off. Watching the gentle suction pull her cheeks in was getting to him. Her eyes would close in pleasure as she drew in the smoke. When she opened her eyes to see Jon staring at her, she winked. Tilting her head back, she blew perfect smoke rings heavenward.

Richie laughed. “You think what, bro?” He was going to make Jon say it.

Jon glared at his friend. “I think it’s time for you to go.”

Valerie laughed. “How rude, Jon! Here we are, having a lovely time,” she stopped to draw deeply on the cigar again and she saw Jon’s eyes narrow, “and you want to cut it short! What’s wrong?” There was a sparkle in her eye; she was teasing him right along with his friends.

Jon chuckled. “There isn’t anything wrong, sweetheart.” He took a seat next to Valerie and picked up her hand. Leaning in close to her, he whispered, “Nothing that you can’t cure with that clever little mouth of yours.” He licked the delicate sea-shell of her ear. Jon continued speaking low to her, telling her what he wanted her to do, and what he in turn would do for her, and Valerie forgot all about the cigar she held.

The guys were watching this little interplay with interest, waiting to see what Valerie would do. They could just imagine what Jon was whispering to her. They chuckled when Valerie turned pink and shot furtive glances at them. She was looking mighty uncomfortable in her chair, and finally Richie took pity on her.

“Alright, you two, we get the hint,” he said with a wry smile. “We’ll get out of your hair.”

Valerie’s blush deepened. “You don’t have to go,” she said, ever the gracious hostess. “I’m sure he,” she gestured at Jon, “can control himself a little while longer.”

David laughed. “Naw, I’m lookin’ at him, and it doesn’t look like he can. I for one don’t need to watch.”

Tico stood and took Valerie’s hand and kissed it. “Buenos noches, querida. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

Valerie shivered. Her senses were on overload, and she knew it. “Buenos noches, mi amigo. And the pleasure was all mine.” She extinguished the cigar and set it in the ash tray, and walked with Jon and his friends to the front door. One by one, each man hugged Val and told her he was glad to meet her. After they left, and Jon had shut the door, Valerie pushed him up against it and mashed her mouth to his.

Jon thrust his hands into her hair and angled her head so his tongue could thrust deeper into her mouth. Valerie was grinding against Jon, and he broke the kiss, gasping, “Valerie!” He moved his hands to her shoulders, and gripped them tightly, resting his forehead against hers. He was shaking with need.

Valerie dropped to her knees in front of him, and stroked him through his jeans. Jon’s head thudded against the door as it fell back. Valerie slowly unfastened his jeans and pulled them down and off his legs. She trailed kisses up his thigh, smiling as she saw it trembling. She nudged his very obvious erection with her nose, as she licked the crease of his leg. The musky smell of an aroused man, this aroused man, had her wet and wanting, but first things first.

Valerie slowly peeled down Jon’s shorts, smiling as his thick member sprang free. She leaned forward, and without preamble, drew on the end like she did the cigar. Jon groaned and his hands slammed against the door, scrabbling for purchase, but finding none. “Jesus Valerie,” he said, his legs quivering.

“What’s wrong?” she said softly, drawing on him again.

“Noth-nothing,” he stammered, closing his eyes and reveling in her attentions.

Valerie continued the gentle pressure until Jon thought his head was going to explode right off his shoulders. She smiled around him and drew deeper, making him cry out. Twice more, and she was rewarded with an “Oh my God,” and Jon came.

“Is that what you had in mind?” Valerie asked, as she kissed him gently and stood to lean into him. All Jon could do was nod. She kissed his cheek. “Good,” she said.

Jon recovered enough to spin Valerie to the door and smiled wickedly. “My turn,” he said, and lifted her skirt to find she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He kissed her deeply and groaned as his fingers found the wet heat at her core and dove inside. Jon swallowed Valerie’s cry as his tongue and fingers moved in tandem. Valerie was shaking, clinging to him like he was her savior. When the first waves hit, she nearly sank to the floor. Jon moaned as her juices covered his hand. He kept stroking her until he felt her relax, and maneuvered her to the hall table. He turned her, and bent her so she was leaning over the table, and after using her juices to lube himself, entered her from behind.

Valerie’s skirt bunched at her hips as she was slammed repeatedly. Her fingers curled around the edge of the table as she forced herself backwards, matching Jon thrust for thrust. She turned her head to look at him, and the sight of him, all sweaty, eyes closed, head thrown back, the cords on his neck straining, made her smile a little self-satisfied smile and she turned back, eyes rolling as the waves threatened to overtake her again.

Jon opened his eyes and blurrily looked down to watch himself disappear into her over and over and over again. He watched as his thrusts made Valerie’s ass bounce enticingly. Unable to stop himself, he gave her a sharp slap, which earned him a moan. When he rubbed away the red mark he left, Valerie purred. “You like that, baby?”

“Mmmmm,” was all he heard.

He alternated slapping and rubbing, all the while pounding into her. When Valerie tightened around him, locking onto him like a vice, he cried out. Valerie screamed his name as she came this time, and Jon went over the edge right after her. He collapsed on top of her, breath heaving, and he thought he might be having a heart attack. He kissed the back of Valerie’s neck and said, “Still think I was being rude?”

Valerie laughed, causing her to spasm around Jon, making him hiss. “Yes, I do,” she said, “but I no longer care.”

Jon laughed as he slipped from her body and led her down the hall to a bathroom. He turned on the taps and kissed her thoroughly while the tub filled. He gently stripped her clothes from her and lifted her, settling her into the warm water. He lathered a washcloth and gently washed Valerie, rubbing her gently and sending little shocks through her system. When the washcloth came in contact with her clit she moaned, and her head fell back against the edge of the tub. A few short strokes later, and Valerie was gripping the edge of the tub hard enough to turn her knuckles white.

Jon leaned down to kiss her lips gently. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

“I have no intention of stopping,” Jon answered, and brought her to peak again.

Chapter 17

Valerie and Jon had spent the remainder of the morning on a tour of the house. Valerie showed real interest in the architecture and history of the house and the grounds, and Jon loved talking about his place, so before they knew it, it was lunchtime. They went into town and had a leisurely lunch at Dean & Deluca, after which they walked up and down Newtown Lane, ducking into the over-priced shops. Another long walk on the beach rounded out the afternoon. They had gotten back to the house to find Richie there again. The two men had talked while Valerie went into the library to relax. It was her second favorite room in the house; the first, of course, being Jon’s bedroom.

Valerie had selected a volume from the shelves, and settled into an oversized leather wing-backed chair to read. She must have dozed off, because she woke to the sensation of being carried. Jon was taking her upstairs. “What’s going on?” she asked sleepily.

“You fell asleep, sweetheart. I’m bringing you somewhere more comfortable.” Jon kissed her temple and only let her go when he placed her on the bed. He stood back to smile at the picture she made; all tousled and curled up comfortably.

“Aren’t you joining me?” Valerie asked sleepily.

Jon’s smiled widened, setting his eyes alight. “I would love nothing more, but the guys are coming over. Richie called them; they’re staying for dinner.”

Valerie knelt up on the bed. “Why?” Her voice was a little strained, and Jon just looked at her. “I mean why today?” she amended. “It must be a surprise to you, or you would have mentioned something earlier.” She remembered her exchange with Richie. “They’re here to give their approval or disapproval of me, aren’t they.”

Jon blushed; Valerie had hit the nail right on the head. “Jeez, when you put it like that – it bothers you some then?” Jon asked.

“What, being paraded out in front of your friends to make sure I pass muster?” Valerie just gave Jon a look. “Yeah, it does a little,” she said. “But, I know where Richie is coming from. Believe me, if the situations were reversed, my friends would be doing the same thing.” She sighed. “Go. I’ll be down in a little while. I need to wake up and get changed.”

“Sweetheart, you look fine,” Jon argued.

Valerie smiled at him condescendingly, and when she spoke, her voice was teasing. “Did you learn nothing from the women you’ve known over the years?” She shook her head at him. “We do not do windblown and rumpled when we’re meeting people for the first time; regardless of whether they’re rock stars or not.”

Jon laughed, his blue eyes sparkling and dancing. “All right, but don’t take too long.” He leaned down to kiss her, and Valerie caught him off guard by wrapping her arms around his neck and falling backwards. He landed on top of her, and she had him rolled under her in no time.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” she said seductively.

Jon groaned. “You know that if we come down together, they’re gonna know what we’ve been doing up here.” His reluctance was cute, but Valerie could tell it was all for show. His body was telling her all she needed to know.

“Jon, Richie already knows that, and I’m sure by now he’s said something to the others,” she said, lazily rocking on him; moaning a little at the friction.

“Yeah,” Jon said, snaking his hands under Valerie’s shirt, “you’re probably right.” His hands closed over her breasts and Valerie hissed. She worked the button and zipper on his jeans and reluctantly climbed off him to strip them and his Calvins from his legs. She shucked her leggings and panties just as quickly, and climbed back on top of him. She slowly lowered herself onto him and rode him gently, enjoying the sensation of him inside her, and the sight of him breathless and wanting below her. Jon put his hands on Valerie’s hips, giving himself leverage to drive up into her, unable to stand the sweet torture any longer. She smiled at his passion and leaned back, bracing on his calves, and just the shift in angle was enough to push her closer to the edge. She felt the familiar tightening, and her breathing started to come in little pants. Jon released her hip to snake a finger into her curls and tease her clit, making her gasp loudly. Jon chuckled and his chuckle turned to a groan as he felt Valerie tighten around him a split second before she cried his name. Her vice tightened more, and Jon growled as he emptied into her.

When the pair was freshly showered and dressed, they descended the grand staircase hand-in-hand, talking softly. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn’t notice they had an audience until they reached the bottom of the staircase. Standing there, arms crossed, was the rest of the band. Valerie looked at each of their faces; the fan in her hardly believing she was meeting them. The woman in her a little peeved at the circumstances.

Sighing, she smiled brightly and said, “I’m Valerie, nice to make your acquaintance. Richie, it’s nice to see you again.” With that, she pulled Jon to her and kissed him soundly, cupping his ass, then stepped back and wiped the lipstick from Jon’s mouth with her thumb. She gave the band an I-dare-you-to-comment look, and headed for the library with a decidedly sassy sway to her hips. “Anyone need a drink before dinner?” she asked over her shoulder, winking.

When she disappeared into the library, Jon’s friends burst out laughing.

Valerie was shaking. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, but being put on display made her a little cranky, and she was acting out. She heard the men’s laughter, and chuckled to herself, imagining what that little scene must have looked like. They came into the library and accepted drinks from Valerie, and settled down to chat. One by one, Jon watched each man fall under her spell. She was just so genuine and funny and smart and real that one couldn’t help be drawn to her.

After a quiet, casual dinner, they were settled once again in the library. Valerie had settled into the chair she occupied earlier, and let her mind wander while the men were talking. She noticed a lull in the conversation, and looked up to find four pairs of eyes watching her. Suddenly self-conscious, she smiled a nervous smile and said, “what?”
David spoke up. “We’re not used to being ignored, you know.”

Valerie arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Should I be hanging on your every word? Is the conversation that scintillating, or am I supposed to be blown away by your mere presence?”

“By our presence of course,” David answered. “You should be hanging on our every word because they’re our words. Is that not a perk of being an international rock star?”

Valerie burst out laughing. “You are too much. Sorry, but shop talk, even for a fan, gets boring. Now,” she said, leaning forward eagerly, and staring at David’s face. “If you were to tell me some stories from the old days, I’d give you my complete and undivided attention.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Jon said, smiling.

“Awww, c’mon, boss,” David said. Jon just gave him a look that said ‘subject closed’ and Valerie laughed.

They continued with the friendly banter until Tico stood and headed for the patio. “I’ll be back,” he said, taking a case from inside his jacket pocket.

“Cigars?” Valerie asked. Tico nodded. “Can I smell them?” Surprised, Tico brought the case over. Valerie drew out a rather short tube, and ran it delicately under her nose, inhaling deeply. “Mmmm, nice,” she said, and looked at it critically. “Holy shit! This is a pre-Castro cerdo volando – a Flying Pig. It’s gotta be more than 50 years old,” she gushed, sniffing it again, and closing her eyes in pleasure.

“You speak Spanish and know cigars?” Tico asked incredulously.

Valerie nodded. “Cigars were my father’s passion, and I learned a lot from him. I love the smell of cigar smoke, and the smooth, rich taste is intoxicating. Oh, and Spanish was just one of the languages I picked up in school.” She blushed, realizing how boastful that sounded, and handed the cigars back to Tico. “Sorry, got a little carried away there.”

“A woman who knows and enjoys cigars, speaks my language, and is beautiful to boot.” Tico said, shaking his head. “I didn’t think I’d see the day.”

Valerie blushed harder. “I belong to a small group of women that get together every couple of months to drink brandy and smoke cigars.” She giggled. “It’s a guilty pleasure, I guess.”

“Well,” Tico said, “in that case, fumar un cigarro conmigo?” he said, asking her to join him.

“Really?” Valerie was out of her chair before Tico could change his mind. “Con mucho gusto.” She looped her arm through his and let him escort her to the terrace, not even giving Jon or the others a backwards glance. The pair was chatting animatedly in Spanish while the others just stared.

Richie elbowed Jon and said, “Better watch out, bro. They seem to have a lot in common.” David laughed.

Jon didn’t find him funny, however. “Teek’s married and Val’s mine,” he said sternly. The three men followed Tico and Valerie to the patio doors, and watched as she expertly clipped the end of the cigar and lit it, twirling it in her mouth to get an even burn. She closed her eyes and puffed on it for a moment, and let out a low moan. “Qué magnifico,” she said softly. Valerie opened her eyes to see the others staring at her. “What now?” she asked, exasperated.

Tico laughed. “I think you’re more than any of us expected,” he said.

“So, do I pass inspection, then?” she asked, putting the cigar to her mouth and sucking on it slowly and deeply, making Jon squirm.

David laughed at Jon’s sudden discomfort. “Oh yeah,” he said. “You pass.”

Chapter 16

With as much dignity as she could muster, Valerie went back to Jon’s room. She had to refrain from running up the stairs. She closed the bedroom door behind her and leaned against it for a moment, steadying herself. Grabbing clothes, she headed for the shower.

Down in the kitchen, Richie had stopped Jon before he could go up after Valerie. “So,” he said, “Valerie, huh?”

Something in his tone made Jon looked closely at his friend. “Why don’t you say what’s on your mind, bro?” He could tell that Richie wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure he should.

Richie considered Jon for a moment and just shook his head. “I was gonna ask you if you thought that this one was gonna drive the demons from you, but,” he looked closely at his friend’s eyes, “huh, I see that she already has. What’s her deal? Where’d you meet her?”

Jon told Richie about meeting her on the beach, and at Richie’s winged eyebrow chuckled. “I know, man, but if you could have seen her dancing in the moonlight, you wouldn’t have been able to resist her, either.” He told Richie a little bit about her situation, and Richie whistled when he heard about the circumstances surrounding her widowhood.

“It’s been two years,” Jon finished, “and she’s still having a hard time trusting people, same as me. I don’t know, man, we’re like kindred spirits or something.”

“Yeah, or something,” Richie agreed. “It doesn’t hurt that she’s hot, either.”

Jon just shook his head. “That may have attracted me to her initially, but believe me, I’ve had my share of pretty faces. There’s something real behind hers. Something that speaks to the empty part of me…”

“What?” Richie said when Jon had trailed off.

“That sounds like a good line for a song,” Jon said. “She speaks to the empty part of me…” he sang softly, “…fills my soul with her words.”

Richie rolled his eyes at him. “Man, you’ve got to cut this shit out.”

Jon looked at him, a shocked expression on his face. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Richie poked an angry finger into his friend's chest. "You're looking to her to save you, aren't you." He swore. "Man, look. Make her your lover. Hell, make her your wife if that makes you happy, but do not try to make her your savior. She's just a woman. You can't rely on others to save you; you have to save yourself. Isn't that what you told me?"

Jon nodded and sighed. Richie was right. But he didn't really think he was using Valerie as anything. He genuinely liked her, cared for her. If he searched his heart, he knew this was true. "Rich, man, I don't know what you're trying to do, but if you're trying to give me a pep talk, it ain't working. You suck at that."

Richie laughed at that. "I know. Listen, bro -- all I'm trying to do is to get you to think. I can count on one hand the number of women you've brought back to this place in the last two years. Not counting your housekeeper or our daughters, I think it's one. Valerie. I'm just saying you may be reading more into this than what's there. You may be trying to make her fix you. I don't know, man, I"m not in your head. I'm just trying to say be careful, I guess. Find out what she means to you before you – well, just before."

Valerie had stopped on the other side of the door when she heard the serious tones of their voices, not wanting to interrupt. She couldn’t hear much of what was said, but that last bit about being the only woman to be here in Jon’s house recently? That came through the door loud and clear. She heard that and it surprised her; in fact, it pleased her more than she cared to admit. She backed away from the door, intending to go back up stairs, when Richie came bursting through it. Busted.

“Hey there,” he said, and smiled at her. “I see you managed to get dressed without any help from us.” He pouted. “More’s the pity.”

Valerie chuckled, and put a hand on Richie’s arm. “I overheard that last bit of your conversation in there,” she said. “I’m not sure what Jon told you –”

Richie cut her off. “Darlin’, you don’t have to explain anything to me. Jon is a big boy. I’m just trying to be a friend to him, much as he has been to me over the years.” He covered Valerie’s small hand with his large one. “I gave him my advice, and it’s up to him whether he takes it or not. I’m not going to apologize for what you heard.”

“I’m not asking you to,” Valerie said. “I just want you to know, well, that it’s not my intention to hurt him, but I don’t want to do this, whatever it is, with a cloud hanging over us. I don’t want to have to watch every little thing I say or do.” She extricated her hand from under his and squared her shoulders. “I am – we are – in this with our eyes open. We spent most of yesterday talking, and I think we know each other pretty well, and I think I’m safe in saying if he thought I was in this for some nefarious purpose, I wouldn’t be here talking to you right now.”

“You are right about that, but there’s more to him than his judge of character. Hell,” he laughed. “I could tell two seconds after seeing you that you aren’t some groupie or weirdo.” Richie shook his head, “and I’m a lousy judge of character.”

“I know there’s more to him than that,” Valerie said. Her voice was getting more heated now. “I know you don’t think so, but I know how much these last two years have hurt him personally and how it’s affected you all professionally. You think I live under a rock? I know a little bit about the infighting, the creative blocks, the personal hell he’s been living in. Don’t forget, I am living – have been living – in that same place.” She took a step toward the kitchen, wondered what the hell Jon was doing in there.

Her voice softened as she watched Richie watching her. He was listening, which is more than she expected. She had no less passion in her voice when she told him, “I know that he loves you guys more than his own life, and it’s killing him that he hasn’t been able to let you guys help him because he’s always been your leader and your rock He thinks he can’t show weakness to you. That’s how he sees himself now, you know. He thinks he’s weak, and doesn’t want to be anything less than perfect. I know that it’s hurting his heart not to have the chemistry, the camaraderie with you as his best friend that has been such a part of who he is for so long. I see it in his eyes. His soul aches from this.”

She paced a little, and Richie just watched her, seeing what Jon meant by her being more than a pretty face. She was pretty insightful, and very blunt. Richie decided he liked her. Valerie turned to face Richie again. “Look, when I met him, he couldn’t, or didn’t, really smile. Oh, his mouth made the right movements, and his eyes crinkled just so, but there was no sparkle in them. No light. Now, look at him. His smile reaches his eyes.” She stalked up to Richie and got in his face; in much the same way that he was in Jon’s face a few minutes ago. “I helped him do that; me, a little nobody from upstate. That’s got to count for something.” She shook her head and backed up, her hands up placatingly. “Alright, I’m done. Just know that I think I do know something about him, and I genuinely care for him, and will not knowingly do anything to hurt him.”

Richie nodded. “I can see that you do care for him. Most women wouldn’t have bothered to get to know the man; they would have just hung on for the ride.”

“I’m not ‘most women’,” Valerie said very softly. “I haven’t taken anyone to my bed since my husband died. If I didn’t care about him, he wouldn’t have been there.”

Richie heard the emotion in her voice, and gave Valerie a brotherly hug before leaving. Valerie went into the kitchen muttering to herself and stopped dead when she saw Jon standing there with tears in his eyes. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?” Valerie rushed to his side and took his hands in hers.

“I heard what you were saying to Richie,” Jon said, his voice thick with emotion. “Did you mean what you said to him?”

“Of course,” Valerie said, “I may be a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them. Did I say something to upset you?”

“No,” Jon said, gathering Valerie into a tight hug. “Not at all. I just haven’t had someone ‘get’ me for so long, to hear you talk about me like that, well, it just touches me.” He swiped at his eyes. “You are something special, you know that? Not a little nobody from upstate. Not to me. And for the record, I care about you, too.”

Valerie sighed and settled happily into Jon’s arms.

Chapter 15

They gathered their things, rearranged their clothes (what was left of them, anyway) and made their way back to the car. Jon once again opened the door for Valerie, and handed her down into her seat. He leaned in to fasten her seatbelt again, letting a kiss linger on her lips. He handed her the blanket, and as she turned to toss it into the backseat, she saw her present. When Jon settled behind the steering wheel, Valerie asked, “Can I have my present now?” She winked at him. “I’ve been good.”

Jon laughed. He leaned over to kiss her, and said, “Baby, you’ve been better than good.” He reached behind her to grab the package from the back seat, and dropped it on her lap. “It’s nothing really, just something you mentioned in passing.”

Valerie searched her memory, trying to think of what she had said to him. When she couldn’t figure out what was inside, she slowly unwrapped the box, slitting the tape with her fingernails and peeling the paper delicately from the package. “Jesus,” Jon said. “Christmas must take forever in your house!”

She laughed happily. It was true. Each person opened one gift at a time, and carefully separated the paper from the packages. One of her family’s traditions was to re-use the paper year after year, and they had some paper that dated back to before Valerie was born. Often, the unwrapping would extend into the next day. They didn’t care. The fun was in the guessing what the package would contain, and in the anticipation of opening, and seeing what everyone else had gotten. The younger children were exempt from this tradition; they were just too excited, but the adults kept it alive.

Valerie folded the paper neatly, and opened the box. There, nestled in the tissue paper was what looked like a hot pink t-shirt. Puzzled, she took it from the box, and it fell open. It was a nightshirt. She turned it around and burst out laughing. “I don’t believe you did this,” she exclaimed while she was trying to catch her breath. “This is perfect. I will wear it all the time.”

“Well, not all the time,” Jon said. “At least for this weekend, you don’t need any nightclothes.”

Valerie blushed, and put the t-shirt back in the box. She said, “thank you,” to Jon, gave him a kiss, and they set out for home.

When Jon pulled onto Lily Pond Lane, he looked over at Valerie. “Would you like to come home with me? We can swing by your place so you can get some stuff; I’d like to have you in my bed tonight.”

Valerie nodded. “I’d like that very much,” she said, pinching herself to make sure this was really happening to her. They stopped at the house on Gracie Lane and grabbed a small bag of clothes, and her toiletries. Jon was lounging in the doorway, watching her.

“Why don’t you take it all with you?” he asked. “That way, if you decide you want to say, we don’t have to come back.”

Valerie stopped short and looked at him. “Really?” she asked.

“I never say anything I don’t mean,” Jon said. He crossed to her and took her hands. “I’m more than happy to stay here with you, or if you’re not sure, I’ll just go, and see you tomorrow.” He kissed her softly. “I just know I want to see you in my house, among my things, and especially in my bed.”

When they got to Jon’s house, Valerie dropped her bags in the foyer and gawped. The entry was just glorious, two stories high, with marble floors and an enormous chandelier. Jon chuckled at Valerie’s reaction and grabbed her bags; leading her upstairs to the bedroom. He pointed out the library, dining room, and kitchen along the way. “I’ll give you a proper tour later, but for now, there’s only one room I want to show you.”

In Jon’s bedroom, Valerie’s eyes went wide at the California King bed that dominated the room. It was made up in linens of a hundred shades of blue and green, and reminded her of the ocean. She could definitely see herself drowning there. There were deep-set windows complete with padded seats, an antique roll-top desk and matching chair in one corner, and a sitting area set up in the other. There were two sets of doors leading from the room; she assumed these were to the master bath and the closet. All in all, this was a pretty Spartan room, and definitely masculine. Valerie could smell a hint of Jon’s scent in the air, and sighed.

“Well?” Jon said, watching Valerie’s reaction to his sanctum.

“It’s very, well,” she started to say ‘it’s very you,’ then realized she didn’t really know what that meant. She started again. “It looks like what I would imagine your space to look like. It’s very tastefully done, in colors I would have guessed you’d use, and very neat and organized, and just ‘wow’ enough. Does that make sense?”

Jon laughed. “Yeah, I guess it does.” He pulled Valerie into his arms and nuzzled her neck. “What I really want to know, though, is do you wanna try out the bed?”

Valerie laughed out loud. “Sure do,” she said, and turned her head to kiss Jon’s mouth. “First things first, though,” she smirked at him. “I’ve gotta see the closet!” She sprinted across the room and threw open the double doors. Racks of suits and shirts, shelves of jeans and sweaters, built-in drawers holding t-shirts, shorts and socks, and one short row of shoes filled the space. She whistled. “Wow, you have nearly as many clothes as I do!” She ran her fingers across some of the softer-looking sweaters, sighing at the feel of the worsted wool and cashmere garments. “I’ve got you beat on shoes, though.”

Jon rolled his eyes at her. “Of course you do, you’re a girl!” Valerie just gave him a look that made him chuckle. She came out of the closet, and opened the other set of doors which, as she suspected, led to a grand master bathroom. It was done in stainless and white, looking very antiseptic and somewhat cold. Valerie was surprised. She would have expected more colors in here. There was a triple sink along one wall, a huge, glass-enclosed double shower, an oversized claw-foot tub, and a separate room where she assumed the toilet was.

“Why the frown?” Jon asked.

“Oh, nothing, really, I’m just surprised that there aren’t more colors in here.”

Jon smiled and pointed to a control panel set into the wall. “What colors did you expect?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe something in reds?”

With a few button presses, a soft warm red tint glowed from the walls and floor. Valerie gasped in amazement. “This is fantastic!”

Jon just laughed. “I don’t do techie stuff pretty well, but I do enjoy my share of cool toys, and this is the coolest.” He grabbed Valerie and picked her up off the floor. “Now, you’ve seen enough, it’ll all still be here tomorrow.” He kissed her roughly. “Let’s go to bed.”

He carried her to the bed, and tossed her into the middle of it, making Valerie scream with delight. She moaned in appreciation at the feel of the down comforter. She was right; she could definitely drown here. This bed must be what Jon was thinking about when he wrote

On any other day, I might just stay in bed,
Sink down in a sea of blankets, pull them up over my head

Jon shucked his clothes, and crawled up onto the bed after her. He brought Valerie up to her knees, and slowly lifted the dress off of her, leaving her gloriously naked. He pulled her into his arms, and reached behind her to pull down the covers. They lay together for a while, kissing and fondling each other until they couldn’t wait a moment longer. Jon rolled over on top of Valerie, and slid gently into her. He kissed her face and neck while he stroked in and out of her slowly. He felt her tightening around him and when she went off the edge, he was right there with her, whispering her name. They kissed once more, and settled into sleep, blissfully happy.

Valerie woke up in bed alone. Smiling to herself, she stretched and looked around the room. It really was a beautiful room, and she was storing up as many mental pictures as she could. Finally, she couldn’t ignore her bladder anymore, and she desperately needed coffee. After taking care of the first, she snagged her new T-shirt, pleased that it came down to her knees, and set off to find the kitchen. Jon had pointed it out to her during the brief tour of the manse last night, and she thought she could remember where the kitchen was.

Making her way downstairs, she looked at the art on the walls interspersed with photographs of Jon with his children, friends and family. She smiled at some of the early pictures, when Jon knew he had the world by the balls and was enjoying the squeeze. At the bottom of the stairs, she looked around, and caught a whiff of coffee. Smiling, she followed her nose to a swinging door, and pushed through, saying, “Thank God I found you –” and stopped dead when she saw the back of someone’s head. Someone who wasn’t Jon.

Richie turned around, and smiled broadly. “Well, darlin, the ladies don’t usually thank God for me until after we’ve been together.” He took in the t-shirt that Valerie was wearing and burst out laughing. “Although, I can see that I’m too late; which is too bad for you. I have much better technique. But, if that’s all you got out of it, maybe you wanna give me a try anyway?” Valerie, confused, looked down at her shirt, and turned beet red.

“Oh my God,” she moaned. The shirt Jon had gotten her said “I Fucked Jon Bon Jovi And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt”.

Jon chose that moment to come into the kitchen, and looked at the tableau in front of him: Richie leering at Valerie, and Val looking like she wanted to sink into the floor. He saw what Valerie was wearing, and laughed out loud. He crossed to her and took her in his arms, kissing her thoroughly. “Morning, baby,” he said.

“Morning,” Valerie said weakly. “You didn’t tell me you had company,” she said.

“Hell,” Richie said. “I’m not company, I’m family, darlin’.” He crossed the kitchen and kissed Valerie on the cheek. “And what’s your name, pretty lady.”

Jon looked at his friend with mock anger. “Oh no you don’t. Her name is Valerie, and she’s mine. She’s so happy about that, in fact, that she’s wearing the fact proudly on her chest.”

“Looks to me, bro, that you got the better end of the deal.” Richie’s eyes were twinkling, and it was impossible for Valerie not to laugh.

“OK,” she said, finally. “I came for coffee. I need coffee, and to go get dressed.”

“Need any help with that?” both men asked at the same time.

Valerie ignored them and crossed to the gourmet coffee maker on the counter. She looked around for mugs, and started opening cabinets until she found one. She filled her cup and left the room, but not before she walked behind Jon and bit his neck and squeezed his ass, making him jump.

“Pleasure to meet you, Richie,” she said breezily, as she left the room.

Chapter 14

After thanking their hosts for a delicious dinner, and complimenting the chef on his choices, Jon fetched a blanket from the trunk of his car and led Valerie out onto the rocky beach.

“You’ll want to take off your boots and walk in the water’s edge for a little bit,” Valerie said, doffing her own. “The rocks will play havoc with your ankles, and it doesn’t turn to sand for a little while.”

The two quietly strolled barefoot up the beach, hand-in-hand, aiming away from the inn. Up around an inlet in the harbor was a secluded stretch of sand, and Jon spread the blanket here and motioned for Valerie to sit. He sat behind her, and pulled her back to lean against his chest. After a few minutes, Jon tucked one hand inside the halter of her dress, loosely holding one breast and running his thumb across its peak gently. They sat that way for some time, just watching the water. There was very little wind, so there wasn’t much for waves, but watching the tide coming in was no less mesmerizing.

Jon leaned in to trail kisses along Valerie’s neck. “Dance with me?’ he asked; his voice a mere whisper in her ear.

“There’s no music,” Valerie said softly, recalling words to one of the most bittersweet songs she’d ever heard.

When I asked you to dance,
You said there’s no band there’s no radio
I gut up real slow, started singing real low
When I was melting in your arms I had to let go…

Jon stood and pulled her into his arms. “We can make our own music,” he said. Holding her close, he started to sway with her. Their heartbeats blended together, forming the beat they moved to. The gentle flow of water provided the melody. The frogs and crickets and katydids sang beautiful harmony. The pair danced together for a long while; long after the lights went out at the Inn. Jon put a gentle hand under Valerie’s chin, and raised her face so he could look at her. He put his hands to either side of her face, holding her gently, and brought his mouth down to hers. He stroked her throat with his thumbs, and they stopped moving altogether; just holding each other close while their tongues continued to dance.

Jon’s kiss was so potent that Valerie’s legs threatened to buckle out from underneath her. He took pity on her and lowered her gently to the blanket, stretching out next to her. He had his arms wrapped around her, and was holding her tightly while his mouth continued to plunder hers. He loosened one hand trail down to her hem. When he went to lift it, Valerie stiffened.

“What are you doing?” she asked, looking around as much as she could.

Jon chuckled. “If you don’t know, then I guess you did have too much to drink.” He kissed her again gently. “Relax, sweetheart; we’re all but hidden here. Nobody can see us.”

Valerie didn’t quite believe him. She sat up and looked around, needing to see for herself. Satisfied, she smiled down at Jon, who was propped up on one elbow, and watching her with an amused look on his face. “In that case,” she said, “I do believe it’s time for some payback.”

Jon laughed sexily, and arched an eyebrow at her. “Oh really?”

“Yeah, really.” Valerie pushed Jon’s chest until he was prone on the blanket. She knelt over him, straddling his waist, and let her hands lightly play over his face and neck. When he reached for her, she said, “No, Jon. Let me. Let me try to make you feel the way you make me feel.” She unbuttoned Jon’s shirt the rest of the way, and opened the plackets. She pulled him up by the shirtfront and eased the garment, off of him. Kissing him gently, she leaned forward until he was forced to recline on the blanket again. As she leaned down over him, her hair cascaded around her shoulder to tickle his side and make him twitch.

“What’s the matter, baby?” she asked, smiling against his mouth.

“Your hair tickles,” he replied, tucking a hand into her hair and anchoring her mouth to his. With a final little kiss, Valerie pushed back so she was once again straddling Jon’s waist. She gathered her hair in one hand, and leaned down, making the ends of her ponytail trail across Jon’s chest. He hissed and twitched, and when he’d have grabbed for her, she stopped the gentle torture. Valerie had slid down enough to feel the evidence of his desire for her against her core and chuckled.

“Well hello there,” she said softly, undulating gently against him. When Jon’s breathing quickened, Valerie stopped moving. She eased off of him, and slowly unfastened his pants, pulling them from him. She looked her fill of him. Clad in only tighty-whities and cowboy boots, he made quite the erotic picture. Valerie gave him a squeeze, which made him moan and loll his head to one side. She leaned down to bite him gently through the thin fabric, and Jon arched off the blanket, her name on his lips like an oath.

Smiling to herself, she scratched her fingernails up his chest as she continued gently nipping at him. He groaned her name, his hands fisting into the blanket to keep from reaching for her, hauling her up, and fucking her stupid. Valerie smiled and dragged Jon’s briefs down and off his body. His erection sprang free with a jaunty bounce, making Valerie chuckle. “Everything OK, baby?”

“Everything’s fine,” Jon said huskily, “just fine.”

“Oh,” Valerie said with a pout. “I guess I’ll have to try harder then.” She winked at him. “You should be feeling way more than ‘just fine’.” She bent down and took him into her mouth, her hair hiding her face from him. Jon gathered her hair away from her face, and watched as she pleasured him. Seeing her move up and down on him was almost unbearable, and he felt the familiar tightening that had him tugging gently on her hair. Valerie took her hair from his hand and sat back. “What’s the matter?”

“I want to feel you around me; under me,” he said.

Valerie chuckled. “The next one,” she said, and dropped her mouth onto his cock again. This time, when Valerie saw Jon’s thigh muscles tighten and his abs flex, she stopped her motion but didn’t remove her mouth. She crept one hand down to Jon’s balls and squeezed while the other hand crept up his chest to pinch one pebbled nipple. She squeezed them in time with her head’s motions. When Jon hissed and moaned, Valerie dropped her mouth down just a bit more, deep-throating him, and he lost control. Calling her name, he emptied into her mouth, while Valerie kept up the pulsing on his balls and nipple. Soon, Jon was begging her to stop; the sensations were just too much. He felt as if he were flying and falling all at the same time. He didn’t know whether to laugh or scream or cry. He was dizzy with desire, and wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with this woman for the next hundred years or so.

Valerie removed her hands from Jon’s body, and slowly let him slip from her mouth. “Mmmm,” she said. “Now that’s good.” She licked her lips and smiled down at Jon. He opened his arms, and Valerie settled into them laying next to him, and rubbing lazy circles on his chest. The pair lay listening to the sound of the water. Jon had closed his eyes, and was trailing a hand up and down Valerie’s arm, making her shiver. The breeze was picking up, and the waves were hitting the shore with a little more intensity than before. She kissed Jon’s cheek and said, “Everything still OK, baby?”

Jon chuckled. “Oh yeah. More than OK. Everything’s perfect.” He opened one eye and looked at her. “Well, except for one thing.”

“Oh? What’s that?” Valerie replied playfully, her hand stealthily making its way down to his member again.

Jon grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from him, giving her a look. “You have far too many clothes on.” In a quick motion, he flipped Valerie onto her back, and thrust a thigh between her legs. She instinctively rubbed against him, making him laugh. Pinning her hands above her head, he reached behind her neck to unfasten the top of her dress and exposed her breasts to his view. He kissed down her neck, biting and nipping gently, until he settled on one rosy-tipped breast, and suckled greedily. Valerie moaned, and turned her head away, losing herself in the sensation.

Jon released her hands, and raised the hem of her dress. He ripped the panties from her, and tossed them behind him. Valerie’s dress was now bunched from both sides at her waist. Jon kissed his way down her chest, skipped the bunched fabric, and continued down her stomach until he was kissing her intimately. He drove his tongue into her, making her cry out his name. He continued tongue-fucking her until she started to tense. He sat up and looked at her, flushed and writhing, and grinned. “Everything OK, baby?”

Valerie just looked at him, giving him a look that made him chuckle. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, and bent back down to finish what he started. He slowly opened her to his view, and latched onto her clit, making her scream. Jon slid two fingers, then a third into her as she whimpered and begged for him to take her over the edge.

“Please,” she breathed, not sure what she was asking for. She was confident he’d know what she was talking about. He sucked harder on her, and buried his fingers in her as deep as they’d go. He could feel her walls starting to convulse, and when she screamed his name this time, he withdrew his hand from her and thrust his cock into her, burying himself to the hilt. He pounded into her, driving her up and over again, and lost himself in her cries. When they were both spent, Jon pulled from her and lay next to her, cuddling her close.

“No falling asleep,” he said drowsily. “I SO don’t want to wake up covered in bugs.” He leaned up on one elbow and looked out over the water. “Or carried out to sea –” Whatever else he was going to say was lost in laughter; great, gulping laughter that had Valerie chuckling without even knowing why.

“What’s so funny?” she asked between giggles.

Jon couldn’t talk. He just dragged her up and pointed. Her panties had been taken up by the tide, and were slowly floating away.

Chapter 13

Jon chuckled, but bit back his reply. The waiter brought out their appetizers: tender asparagus in a delicate duck egg truffle vinaigrette and a crispy duck confit with lentil ragut. The asparagus melted in their mouths, and the confit balanced it nicely. A Wolffer Estate Chardonnay was chilled to perfection, and complemented the delicious starters. Jon raised his glass and Valerie clinked hers against it as the waiter discretely disappeared back into the kitchen.

“What are we drinking to?” she asked, her gaze soft on his.

“To dancing in the moonlight,” Jon answered. “I would love to dance with you in the moonlight,” he said softly.

Valerie swallowed hard at this romantic side of the man that never makes it into the papers. “I would like that, Jon,” she said quietly; her voice thick with emotion.

They made small talk over their appetizers, Jon asking Valerie about the house. She told him all about the history of Kallie’s family’s home, at least what she knew, and about spending part of her summers with her best friend for as long as she can remember. They talked about their favorite places in town, and things they liked to do when they were on vacation. They found they both have a love for the beach, and Valerie said it was one of her favorite places to be. When Jon asked her where some of her other favorite places were, she blushed. “In your arms,” she answered honestly.

When they had finished the first course, and the bottle of wine, the waiter cleared away their plates and brought out two main dishes for them to share: wild sea scallops with a sauce of Jerusalem artichoke puree, sugar snaps and lemon, and Cedar River Run prime sirloin served with arugula and a crispy herb polenta. A North Fork Cabernet accompanied this course.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Valerie scolded gently.

“No, ma’am,” he answered with an anything-but-innocent smile.

They laughed and dug in to their food. The sirloin was as tender as anything they had ever tasted, and the scallops were buttery soft. Julianna closed her mouth around a morsel of polenta and moaned, “Mmmm, this is so good.” She looked at Jon, who was frozen, the fork halfway to his mouth. “What?” she said.

“Woman, you cannot do that,” he said, mock sternness in his voice.

“What’d I do?” she asked, genuinely confused.

“You were making that noise that just goes right to the heart of me.” Jon laughed. “Well, maybe not the heart.” He took her hand and discretely slipped it into his lap.

“Oh,” she said. She closed her fingers around his erection and squeezed gently, making Jon squirm in his seat.

“Yeah, ‘oh’,” he said huskily. He couldn’t decide if he wanted her to stop or not.

“Sorry,” Valerie said, with absolutely no hint of remorse. She also made no attempt to pull her hand away. They were pushed into the table far enough, and were sitting close enough together that even if the waiter came back out, he wouldn’t see anything.

“Now, why don’t I believe you mean that?” Jon asked, sliding his own hand under the table and into Valerie’s lap. He carefully pulled up her skirt, until he could touch the smooth skin of her inner thigh, making her gasp. He angled a finger for her core, and Valerie’s eyes rolled back at the contact. She let her legs fall open just a little, and gave him a tight squeeze as he dipped his fingertip under her thong, finding her wet.

“Jesus, Valerie,” Jon whispered, making Valerie blush again, this time with excitement. They finished their dinner course quickly, and polished off the Cabernet, all the while, Valerie’s hand was busy under the table.

Jon gave her a pointed look. “I’d prefer not to ruin my pants in this restaurant, if you please,” he said through gritted teeth.

Valerie gave him a wicked smile. “Do you want me to take care of that for you?” she asked, the wine having finally gotten to her. Jon’s eyebrows shot up when she moved to slide under the table.

“Jesus, Val, cut it out!” Jon was looking around wildly, and Valerie burst out laughing. “What is so damned funny?” he demanded.

“The look,” she could hardly talk for the great guffaws of laughter. “The look when you thought I was,” she couldn’t finish. Tears streamed down her face, and her breathing was coming in hiccups.

“Oooh, you little witch,” Jon said, with no rancor in his voice. He saw the waiter approaching with dessert, and leaned in to whisper into Valerie’s ear, “I will get even with you.”

“Oh, I’m so scared,” Valerie said, struggling to get herself under control.

The waiter had brought them a Valhrona chocolate-pistachio torte and apricot crisp with whipped crème fraiche. Jon and Valerie ordered cappuccino, and waited for the waiter to bring the coffee before starting their dessert. Jon scooped up a spoonful of torte and turned to feed it to Valerie. She closed her eyes as her lips closed around the fork, and she moaned at the sheer pleasure of the tastes and textures on her tongue.

She looked into Jon’s face, seeing that his eyes had darkened, and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I enjoy food. Sue me.” She licked the corner of her mouth, where a little chocolate clung.

She trailed a finger through the crème fraiche and held it up. “Want some?” she said.

“Oh yeah,” Jon answered, wrapping a hand around her wrist and bringing her finger to his mouth. He closed his lips over her finger, sucking the crème from it. He let his tongue swirl around her fingertip, and nipped it gently before slowly pulling it from his mouth. Valerie had captured her bottom lip with her teeth to keep from crying out. She was so close to the edge, she didn’t think she was going to be able to finish dessert.

Jon smiled and looped an arm around the back of Valerie’s chair, and turned a little so his back was to the kitchen and the door the waiter had been appearing through all evening. He leaned in to kiss her deeply, and threaded a hand through her curls, making her sigh. Jon trailed his other hand down her cheek and neck, dipping briefly in between her breasts, making her breath hitch. He continued his caress downward until his hand disappeared under the table, and found its way to between her legs again. At her sharp intake of breath, Jon broke the kiss to whisper, “It’s payback time.”

He brought his mouth to hers again, and stroked her through the thin fabric of her g-string in time with his tongue’s movements. That little barrier between his skin and hers was sopping wet already. Jon chuckled low in his chest, and looped a finger under the scrap of fabric. He slid his finger slowly into her as she gripped his shoulders and groaned. A moment later, a second finger joined the first, and Jon could feel her squeeze and pulse around him as she fell over the edge. Valerie had a death grip on his arms, and growled in the back of her throat, the sound muffled by his mouth. She ripped her mouth from his and rested her head on his shoulder as she caught her breath and slowly came back to earth. Jon was surprised at the quickness and strength of her orgasm, and felt immensely proud of himself. Valerie could tell he was smiling.

“What are you smiling at,” Valerie asked, her hand stroking the slice of chest visible through his open shirt. His skin was warm and smooth.

Jon slowly removed his fingers and pulled down Valerie’s skirt. “You,” he said. Glancing surreptitiously around and seeing they were still alone, he swiped his fingers, still sticky with her juices, through the crème and brought it to his mouth and licked at it. “Mmmm,” he said, closing his own eyes. “Now that’s good,” he said huskily.

Valerie let her hand push into his shirt, and she scraped her nails across his nipple, making him hiss. “Turnabout is fair play, you know,” she said, and let her hand trail down to his straining erection.

Jon gripped her wrist and pulled her hand roughly away from him. “Oh no you don’t,” he said. “Not here, anyway.”

Valerie giggled and kissed Jon again, and the pair, snuggled together, looked out over Coecle’s harbor.

Chapter 12

Exactly two hours to the minute, Valerie heard a car turn onto the top of Gracie Lane. He was nothing if not punctual. Maybe, she thought, he was a little anxious, too. She smiled to herself and hurried into the house, not wanting him to catch her waiting for him. She was in the kitchen refreshing her glass of wine when the doorbell rang. She slowly walked to the front door and opened it. What she saw took her breath away. She could do nothing but stare at him, her mouth gaped open.

Jon was dressed in a white button-down shirt, generously unbuttoned, its tails hanging over black suit pants that were cut perfectly for him. His cuffs were turned back, exposing his sinewy forearms. Well-worn boots poked out from the pant legs. His hair was still damp around the edges, and he had left the scruffy five o’clock shadow, making him look dangerously sexy. Laughing at her expression, he did a slow turn under her scrutiny, and she saw that the pants were indeed, tailored for him. They hugged that perfect butt like nothing she’d ever seen. “Do I pass inspection?”

All Valerie could do was nod. She hadn’t found her voice yet. It left her the moment she opened the door. Valerie registered that Jon was staring at her. His eyes scanned her from head to toe and back again; his eyes wide. He was looking at her as if he could eat her whole. Jon made a turning motion with his hand, and Valerie giggled. She used both hands to scoop her hair up to the top of her head, raising her hem a little, and made her own slow turn, letting Jon take in the back of the dress before letting the tumble of curls fall down her back. When she completed her circle cocked an eyebrow at him as if to ask “Well?”, and he let out a low wolf whistle.

Valerie smiled shyly, pleased that her efforts had the desired effect. “Would you like to come in for a glass of wine before dinner?” she asked, playing the good hostess.

Jon shook his head. “Honey, if I step over that threshold, we will never make it to dinner, and it would be a damn crying shame to not show you off.” It took all his control to not reach out to see if her skin felt as soft as it looked or tasted as good as it smelled. He wanted scoop her up and discover just what was under that dress.

“Suit yourself,” she said, turning quickly, to make her skirt flare out. Jon got a glimpse of smooth leg that didn’t seem to stop, and his mouth ran dry. Valerie dropped a saucy wink over her shoulder as she sauntered to the hall table to deposit her glass and pick up a completely useless but extremely cute beaded bag. Jon chuckled.

“What’s so funny, Jon?” Valerie asked.

“You’ll pay for that,” he said.

“Pay for what?” Valerie said innocently, turning quickly again and this time dropping her purse. Before Jon could instinctively move to retrieve it, Valerie bent over at the waist to retrieve it, causing her dress to gape just enough to make Jon hiss through his teeth.

“You will most surely pay for that,” he said.

Valerie smiled. The game of seduction was coming back to her, and she was enjoying the hell out of it. “Oh, I have no doubt about that,” she said, slinking toward him and sliding a gentle hand into the open vee of his shirt to caress his skin. “In fact, I’m counting on it.” She kissed his lips gently, trailed a hand down his cheek, and led the way out the door.

Jon shook his head and blew out a sharp breath. He closed the door and jogged to the car ahead of Valerie to open the door for her. She noticed a gaily wrapped flat package on her seat. “What’s this?” she asked him.

He smiled. “I picked you up a little something,” he said, shrugging. “No big deal.” He took her hand and helped her into the car. When she was seated, Jon braced one hand on the seatback next to her head, and reached across her to buckle her seatbelt. He made sure that he grazed her breasts, making her gasp. He smiled and licked her neck before shutting the door.

Valerie shivered then looked at the gift in her lap. She was touched, and more than a little intrigued. She was the type of person who had gone snooping for Christmas presents every year once she knew that Santa was really Mom and Dad. She held the package on her lap while Jon hurried around the front of the car to his. When he was seated, she held up the package, asking, “Do I have to wait until later to open it? Or can I open it now?”

“By all means,” Jon said, smirking. “If you can’t wait, then please, open it now.”

The sanctimonious tone of his voice made Valerie smile a sickly-sweet smile at Jon. She reached to put the box in the back seat. “I can wait just as long as you, darlin’,” she said, noticing Jon’s eyes on her neckline as she stretched and bent. She made a point to cross her legs, causing her skirt to ride up a bit. This did not escape Jon’s notice. “The question is,” she said huskily, “how long can you wait?”

“Baby, I’ve got all night,” he said, locking eyes on her. He slowly trailed a hand from her knee to her waist; bunching the dress at her hip. Valerie didn’t move a muscle. Jon hadn’t found anything but skin. His expertly tailored pants were feeling pretty tight right about then. “Waiting will make it that much sweeter,” he said. With a wink, he lowered her skirt, started the car, and they were off.

As they cruised through Sag Harbor, they stopped at the marina to look at the boats. When they got to the ferry, they were the only car looking to cross. After a few minutes’ wait, the captain took off. Valerie had gotten out of the car and was standing at the rail, the wind blowing her hair back, making her look like a Goddess. He went to stand with her, bracing his hands on the rail on either side of her, and leaning into her back. He kissed her neck and whispered wonderfully naughty things in her ear until she pressed back into him, making him gasp.

The ferry crossing to Shelter Island took nearly ten minutes, but it seemed to pass in an instant. All too soon, they were rushing to get back into the car. As they were driving through town, Jon cast a sidelong glance at Valerie. “Maybe later, we can stop in at for a few beers at the Dory.” Jon was referring to the dive in the heart of Dering Harbor. At Christmastime, the platform out in the water behind the bar was festooned with the scraggliest tree Valerie had ever seen. It made Charlie Brown’s tree look full.

“Uh-uh. No way. I am NOT going into the Dory again,” Valerie was nearly doubled over laughing. “The last time I went in there, God, it must have been fifteen years ago. Not only was I the only young woman in there, I was the only one with all my own teeth. Men AND women included.” Jon burst out laughing.

They crossed the natural bridge onto Ram Island, where the Inn was located, and pulled into the parking lot. Valerie’s heart sank. There were no other cars in the lot.

“Oh no,” she said, disappointment in her tone. “Are they closed? I didn’t even think to call ahead and check. It’s only April; do they not open until May?”

Jon chuckled. “You’re right, darlin’, they don’t usually open until May. I called in a favor to Jim and Linda, though, and they opened the restaurant for us.” He slid a sideways glance at her, taking in her look of disbelief. “You’ll have to make do with whatever the chef feels like preparing, though.”

“Oh,” she said on a breath, her eyes wide. “You didn’t have to do that!” Never would she have imagined anyone, let alone this man, would go through the trouble.

Jon looked into Valerie’s eyes and took her hand. “Sweetheart, you wanted dinner here, and it’s within my power to do it, so here we are.”

“You are amazing. Thank you,” Valerie said leaning in to give him a kiss. She closed her eyes and sighed as Jon put one hand behind her head and deepened the kiss, gently tangling his tongue with hers.

“You’re more than welcome,” Jon answered, smiling when they finally came up for air. “Now, let’s go eat before they think we aren’t coming.” He dropped a small kiss on Valerie’s nose and held up a finger. “Don’t move,” he said.

Valerie nodded, and her gaze followed him as Jon got out of the car and walked around to her door. He opened the door and leaned in to unbuckle her seatbelt, once again grazing her breasts, setting her blood on fire. He pulled her out of the car, and put a hand to the small of her back, guiding her into the restaurant.

The dining room was dimly lit, and was empty except for one table set up in the middle of the room. It was done up in white linens with an arrangement of fresh flowers off to one side. Delicate candles ringed the flowers. Two chairs sat alongside each other, facing the flowers. The table was oriented so they’d have a view of the expansive grounds and Coecles Harbor. It looked like the head table at an intimate wedding reception. Soft jazz played in the background, the saxophone enhancing the atmosphere. Valerie and Jon were greeted by Jim Eklund himself, an older gentleman who reminded Valerie a lot of her father. Jon made the introductions.

“Mr. Eklund, I can’t thank you enough for doing this,” Valerie said.

“Please, call me Jim. All my friends do, and any friend of JB here is a friend of mine,” the man answered, eyes twinkling. “Besides, I always like to hear my name come from the mouth of a beautiful woman.” He winked at her, making her blush.

“Jim, then. Thank you. The dining room looks beautiful. You didn’t have to go through all this trouble,” Valerie said.

“No trouble at all, young lady,” he said, then winked at Jon. “Shall we?” he said, and offered his arm to Valerie. With an amused expression, she took the older man’s arm and was led to their table. Jon held her chair, and as he scooted her in, he leaned down to kiss her neck. When he was seated on her left, he draped his right arm across the back of her chair, and took her right hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

“I wonder what’s on the menu tonight,” Valerie said without thinking.

“You,” Jon answered, as his lips skimmed her knuckled again.

“I meant for dinner,” she said breathlessly. “Not dessert.”

Chapter 11

There was dead silence on the other end of the phone. Valerie could almost picture her friend sitting there with her mouth hanging open while she decided if she was hearing things right.

“Kallie? You still there?” Valerie took great pleasure in shocking her normally unflappable friend.

“That’s real funny, Val. Great fantasy, though.” Kallie was smiling to herself. Valerie must be feeling better, she thought. This time of year, there were never any jokes from the otherwise hilarious woman.

“I mean it, K. Jon was out walking the beach last night and saw me, well, being drunken me…” Valerie trailed off, blushing, remembering what she must have looked like to him.

“You mean dancing wildly in the moonlight?” Kallie laughed at that mental picture. More than once she had joined Valerie in what they call celebrating the night.

“Pretty much, yeah,” Valerie said. “Anyway, he asked me what the hell I was so happy about, and I mouthed off to him. Took him by surprise, I’m sure. Jesus, K, I swear to God, I nearly died when he looked at me with those eyes. They’re bluer than they look in pictures. They’re just amazing.”

Kallie considered her friend. “You’re totally serious, aren’t you?”

“As a heart-attack, sweetie.”

“Jesus, Valerie. Um, what’s he like?”

Valerie laughed. “Like nothing you’ve ever seen. I mean, up close? The pictures don’t do him justice. The little laugh lines they airbrush away are completely sexy, and those eyes? God almighty himself covets those eyes.”

“What about the smile? Did you get the smile?” Kallie was practically shouting, and Valerie was in hysterics.

“Listen to you! Jesus, how old are you?”

“Screw you, Val, just tell me!”

“The smile is the best part. Absolute perfection.”

Kallie whistled. “Then you should definitely wear the red halter dress we packed. Red is a great color on you, and it’s a very sexy dress. Who knows what could happen, right? I mean, you’re both unattached adults.” Leave it to her best friend to bring the conversation to the dirty stuff.

Valerie paused just for a moment, smiling at her recollection of last night, before saying “Yeah, you’re right about that, Kal.”

Thankfully (at least Valerie thought so) Kallie misunderstood her thoughtful hesitation for trepidation. “Look,” she said. “I’m not saying you have to marry the guy, but if he asks, say yes.” She laughed at her own wit. “All I’m saying is that a few stolen kisses, or a roll in the hay with that man? Well hell, if that doesn’t cure you, nothing will.”

Valerie laughed. If she only knew just how right she was. “Alright, you’ve convinced me; the red it is. Don’t expect a play-by-play if things get interesting though,” she said, confident they would.

“Oh no you don’t! I made you go out there, I packed the sex dress, I get the deets,” Kallie said firmly. “It’s only fair. No holding out on me. Besides,” she laughed, “you’re so transparent, I’d take one look at you and just KNOW.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Valerie laughed back. “Okay, I need to get ready; I just wanted to let you know because, God, am I really saying this? This little adventure may get into the papers, and, well, I wanted you to hear it from me.” Valerie had pulled the filmy red dress from the closet, and hung it on the back of the bathroom door. She turned the shower on hot, to get the room filling with steam.

“Alright, you lucky bitch. Have a good time,” Kallie sighed. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Valerie laughed. “In my place, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do!”


The two women exchanged goodnights, and Valerie went into the bathroom. She stripped down and stood under the hot needles of water and sighed. For some reason, this date made her extremely nervous. She basically had no secrets from this man now; not after their talk today and certainly not after last night. The thought of sitting across the table from him, however, seemed to be too normal and domestic. The wild night she could chalk up to the wine and the emotions of the day. The day they’d spent today she could write off as day-after politeness. That they clicked instantly when they were talking was just icing on the cake.

This date, however? Well that meant he was really interested in her and that scared the hell out of her. Her track record with good-looking men wasn’t good, and she really barely knew Jon. Not that she was expecting anything out of this other than a fun weekend full of memories that would last her a lifetime, but she couldn’t help where her thoughts naturally took her. She’d have to try, though. She couldn’t live in the past anymore; couldn’t paint every man with the same brush. She had to learn to trust again – both in her own instincts, and in the men she was with. She trusted Jon with her body, but not yet with her heart.

She shook off the negative thoughts and washed and conditioned her hair, so it would dry nice and soft. She used a vanilla-scented body wash, knowing it would mix with her lotion enticingly. When she was done, she combed her hair out and studied her reflection in the mirror. It was a long time since she’d dressed for a man. A long time since she’d wanted to look really good for someone. Nervousness aside, she was really looking forward to tonight. Valerie smiled. Coming out here was a great idea, and a ‘roll in the hay’ with that man was definitely part of her cure.

Valerie stepped into a red g-string and smoothed a peach-scented lotion down her legs and across arms and shoulders. Her dress had a built-in bra, so she could dispense with that. She slipped the dress over her head, taking care to smooth it over her hips. She looked at herself critically. The dress clung to her un-tethered breasts, dipping low in between. The back was cut almost to her waist, and would be all but hidden once her hair was done. The dress’ flirty skirt ended a good two inches above her knees. Valerie pulled her very favorite high-heeled sandals from her bag; three inch, silver strappy sandals. They made her legs look that much longer.

Satisfied with her ensemble, she set to work on her hair. When it was wet, it looked brown, and was a riot of curls. She usually tamed it by blowing it out, but tonight, she wanted to feel the sexy curls cascade down her back; wanted to feel Jon’s hands tangle in them. Shivering deliciously, she ran a gel through her hair, to help keep the curls from frizzing, and blew out the front a little, making wispy bangs that framed her green eyes beautifully. The rest, she’d let dry naturally.

Valerie expertly applied makeup, taking care to frame her eyes with dark lashes and liner. Pale pink lipstick and just a hint of eye shadow was all she added. The net result of her efforts? It made even her whistle at her reflection. She donned some fun, simple costume jewelry, and checked the clock. She had a little over a half-hour to go. She poured herself a glass of wine to steady her nerves, and went out onto the porch to wait.

Chapter 10

After lunch, Jon and Valerie planned on a long walk on the beach – kind of a “since we’re already intimate, let’s get acquainted” thing. Before they left the house, Valerie found an old ball cap and sunglasses in one of the closets, and gave them to Jon. “You may want these,” she said, “just in case people are out.”

Jon was touched by her thoughtfulness. He took the items from her and put them on the counter. Taking her hands, and kissing her gently, he looked into her eyes. “I don’t particularly care who sees us,” he said. “Unless you do…”

“Hell no!” She said. “If I could put it on a T-shirt, and wear it around town, I would.”

Jon laughed out loud, a deep belly laugh. “I’ll have to remember that. Not shy. Check.” His laughter subsided, and he pulled out his cell phone.

“What are you doing?” Valerie asked.

“Leaving myself a message at home.” He dialed. “Hang on…” Valerie just stared at him. What a wonderfully quirky thing to do. “Note to self,” he said, with a smile in his voice. “Call the T-shirt guy.”

Valerie blushed and smacked him lightly on the chest. “You are too much. Actually, this – whatever – is completely unlike me. I can hardly believe this is me actually.”

“Well, unless I’ve been enjoying the charms of someone else,” Jon said with a smile, “I’d say you were you.”

Valerie laughed, and led them out of the house. While they walked up and down the beach, hand-in-hand, they shared the stories of their lives. They talked about their childhoods, parents, and who helped shape them into the people they were today. They talked about their careers, what they liked and didn’t like about them. They talked about their current situations.

Jon squeezed her hand tighter when she told him the circumstances around her widowhood. Valerie gasped as he told her of the duplicity of his ex-wife. They talked and walked for hours, back and forth along the beach. They made each other laugh, and shared tears together. By the time they got back to her house, Jon had his arm around Valerie’ s shoulders, and she had hers looped around his waist, fingers tucked into one of the belt loops on his jeans, and each felt as if he had known the other forever.

Jon looked at his watch – it was getting close to dinner time, and he wanted to take her out. “Valerie, I’d like to take you out for dinner,” he said. “Will you let me do that?”

“Are you sure?” she said. She knew that the press was always hounding him, and more likely than not, they’d be seen together.

“Positive.” He took her hand and kissed it.

“If you’re sure,” she said. “then I’ll have to call Kallie and tell her about you. If she finds out about this in the papers, she’d never forgive me.”

Jon nodded. “Baby, take out a billboard for all I care. Where would you like to go?”

“Honestly? I haven’t been out here for so long…” She trailed off as she thought about her options. John Duck was always good, and she enjoyed the Talkhouse, but she wanted to go somewhere more quiet. Her eyes lit up as she thought of just the place. “I’d love to go to Ram’s Head Inn, if that’s okay,” she said, naming a restaurant on Shelter Island. Shelter Island was wedged between the north and south forks of Long Island. You had to take a small ferry to get out there.

“Anyplace you like. Ram’s Head it is,” Jon said, nodding. “I need to head home and make a couple of calls; I’ll be back in,” he consulted his watch again. “Two hours?”

“That works for me,” she said. That would give her plenty of time to get ready. It had been so long since she had gotten ready for a man, she was going to need all the time she could get.

Jon wrapped her in an embrace and kissed her thoroughly, his arousal pressed into her hip. He broke the kiss on a ragged breath and looked at her. “I’d better go, before we miss dinner.”

Valerie trailed her hands over his chest, and pulled him in for another quick kiss. “OK. Go. I’ll be ready in two hours.”

“Alright,” he said, reluctantly taking his leave. “Two hours. Not a moment longer.” One more kiss, and he was out the door.

Valerie closed the door behind him and leaned against it, letting out a deep breath. She squealed like a teenager, and ran for the phone. She was dialing Kallie’s number even as she headed into the bedroom to choose something to wear.

“Hiya, kid,” Kallie said, having checked her caller ID before answering.

“I need to tell you something, and I don’t want you to freak out,” Valerie said without preamble.

Kallie sighed, automatically assuming the worst. “What’s wrong? What did you do? Are you just sitting out there pouting? I knew I should have come with you…”

“Kallie,” Valerie said, trying to interrupt.

“I can take off tomorrow…” Kallie continued talking.

“Kallie!” Valerie yelled, getting her friend’s attention this time, and giggling.

“What?” Kallie asked.

“Jesus, girl, let me get a word in edgewise, why don’t you,” Valerie laughed. “I have something to tell you, and I want you to be calm.”

“Oh, alright already,” Kallie said, getting impatient. “What is it?”

“I have a date tonight,” Valerie answered, drawing this out. After all, how many times do you get to tell your best friend that Jon Bon Jovi is taking you to dinner?

“Oooh! I told you that you had to be prepared for anything.” Kallie was genuinely excited for her friend. “OK, give, how did you meet him? Who is it?”

“I was having myself a picnic on the beach last night, and someone was out walking,” Valerie said. “He and I struck up a conversation, and he’s taking me to Ram’s Head tonight.” She decided to keep the tawdry details to herself for now. Kallie would know anyway as soon as she saw her friend’s face on Monday.

“A date with some stranger you met on the beach? I don’t know, Val, do you think that’s wise?”

“Who said he was a stranger? I knew exactly who it was.” Valerie paused for a moment, torturing her friend.

“Spill, brat, who is it?”

“Are you sitting down?”

“Jesus, girl, don’t make me come beat it out of you.”

Valerie laughed. “Okay, okay. It’s Jon Bon Jovi.”

Chapter 9

Jon did hurry to the bedroom, but after that, he took his time, loving Valerie slowly and thoroughly. They fell into a sated sleep, and were awakened by the phone. Valerie’s hand snaked out to the nightstand, and snapped up the cordless receiver. “Hello?” she said.

“Val? It’s Kallie.” Valerie sat up straight in bed, jostling Jon.

“What’s up K? You caught me snoozing.” Jon started tickling her side, and Valerie slapped at his hand.

“I just wanted to check on you, kiddo,” she said. “You looked like warmed-over, two-day-old monkey shit when you left here yesterday.”

“Gee thanks,” Valerie teased, laughing. “Remind me to call on you next time I need a pep talk.”

Kallie laughed. “You know I say that with love.”

“Yeah, I know,” Valerie giggled. Jon was tickling her again, and Valerie turned to give him her very best glare. Jon just stuck his tongue out at her and continued doing what he pleased. She put her hand over the receiver. “Stop it,” she mouthed to him.

“Make me,” he said softly.

Valerie got out of bed, and stuck her tongue out at Jon, who was pouting. He sat up and made to get out of bed, and she pointed at him, like a recalcitrant child. He stayed where he was, and gave her his very best angry stare. Valerie realized Kallie was still talking. “What’d you say? I was shifting the phone to the other ear.”

Kallie sighed. “I said, have you made any plans for the weekend?”

Valerie stood stone still. “Nothing definite, why?”

“I was thinking,” Kallie said. “Maybe I’ll come out and join you. You know, help you through your weekend.”

Valerie was shocked. This was not what she expected. “You know, K, I’d love to see you.” Jon perked up at that, an eyebrow winged up. Valerie shook her head and put up a finger. “But, I think I need this ‘me’ time. I’m feeling better just being here alone.” Jon put his hands to his heart like he’d been shot, and fell back on the bed dramatically, and it was all Valerie could do to not burst out laughing at him.

“If you’re sure,” Kallie said.

“It’s not that I don’t want to see you,” Valerie said, trying to hurry off the phone before she lost it, “but I’m doing OK. I’m going to go for a walk on the beach and see where the day takes me.”

“Alright,” Kallie said. “I’ll leave you be. Just know that you can call me anytime, and if you need me to, I’ll zip out there as fast as I can.”

“I know you will, sweetie; you’re a good friend.”

“Hell no,” Kallie said, “I’m a great friend.”

“You are at that,” Valerie said. “I’ll talk to you later, OK?”

“OK, Val. Love you.”

“Love you too, Kallie. ‘Bye.”


Valerie hung up the phone, and looked at Jon, who looked quite pleased with himself. “What the hell were you doing?” There was no anger in her voice, just puzzlement.

“What do you mean darlin’?” he said, rising from the bed this time and crossing to her.

“What do I – ?” Jon had taken her in his arms, and was nibbling on her neck. He just couldn’t get enough of her. Valerie sighed, and pushed back to look at him. “What I mean is I was trying to not let my friend know I bedded someone last night, my first night here mind you, and you were doing your damnedest to get us caught!”

Jon looked at her. “Are you ashamed?” The clouds were descending over his eyes again, and Valerie panicked.

“NO! No, of course not. Are you kidding? She’d give her left eye to be where I am right now.” Jon smiled at that. “That’s not the point, and you know it.” She hugged him close. “I’m just not ready to share you with her yet.”

‘You don’t have to worry, pirate girls don’t do anything for me.” His tone was so serious that Valerie had to pull back and look at him again. She saw the twinkle in his eye, and smacked him on the ass.

“Brat,” she said.

“You know it,” he answered.

Both their stomachs rumbled. It was well after noon, and they hadn’t eaten anything yet. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” Valerie said.

“I’ll join you,” Jon answered. At Valerie’s expression, Jon laughed. “No, not yet. I need refueling. Later, for sure.”

Valerie blushed prettily, and led a two-person naked parade to the bathroom.

Chapter 8

When Jon opened his eyes again, he saw it was morning, and he saw he was alone. He took a moment to reflect on last night. He didn’t understand what had come over him. His actions were totally out of character for him. He smiled, glad to be surprising himself. He had no regrets, and hoped that Valerie felt the same.

He moved to get out of bed, and grimaced. His lower back twinged a little, and his shoulders were sore. He had slept in the same rumpled heap he was left in after their last bout of lovemaking, and smiled again at the memory. These kinds of aches and pains he’d gladly wake up to any day. Jon stepped into his jeans and found his way to the bathroom.

Leaning into the mirror while he was washing his hands, he scrutinized his face. There were more lines around his eyes, but he noticed his eyes didn’t look haunted today. The lines around his mouth could actually be construed as smile lines now. Most noticeably, however, was the seemingly permanent furrow to his brow – it looked to be gone. Taking a mental inventory, Jon decided he felt better this morning than he had in a long time, and he had Valerie to thank for that.

Jon caught a whiff of coffee, and sighed deeply in anticipation. He just loved a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning. How anyone could do without it was a mystery to him. He followed his nose to the kitchen, and saw a lone stoneware mug sitting alongside a half-full pot of the most heavenly-smelling brew. He poured himself a cup, and set out to find Valerie. He headed out the kitchen door, and followed the porch around to the ocean-side of the house.

Valerie was sitting in a rocking chair, looking out at the slow moving waves. Her fingers were all but hidden in the sleeves of an oversized fisherman’s sweater; their tips wrapped around a mug that matched his own. Her bare legs were tucked up on the chair next to her. She had swept her hair into a sexy, messy topknot, and Jon had the urge to nibble on the back of her neck. She smiled as she heard him approach, but didn’t take her eyes from the ocean.

“Good mornin’,” Jon said, helping himself to her neck, and the chair next to her.

“Morning, yourself,” Valerie answered. She still couldn’t quite believe this man was here with her. He looked almost unbearably beautiful; half-dressed in unsnapped jeans and bare feet, hair all mussed, and a day’s worth of growth on his cheeks. He was just sitting on her porch, rocking slowly in the chair and gazing out across the water. He looked comfortable; like he had always been there; like he belonged there. She searched his face, but didn’t see anything other than a very contented man. No regrets. Good, she thought. She didn’t have any either.

“How’d you sleep, darlin’?” Jon drawled.

“Like the dead,” Valerie replied, making Jon chuckle a sexy chuckle low in his chest. “You?”

Jon rolled his shoulders, making Valerie’s mouth water. The play of muscles as they bunched and moved made her remember how they bunched and moved under her hands last night. “The same,” he said. “I don’t’ think I moved at all last night.” He winced slightly, and Valerie put her coffee mug down on the table and went to stand behind his chair.

“Are you OK?” she asked, as she began kneading his shoulders; her small hands belying their strength. Jon closed his eyes and groaned loudly, letting his head drop forward. Valerie’s nimble fingers pressed and pulled at all the little knots and kinks that were paining him. Valerie laughed. “So, that’s a ‘yeah’?”

“Yeah,” Jon agreed. “That’s a ‘yeah’. God, that feels good. I could have you do that all day.”

Valerie kissed him softly between the shoulder blades. “Surely not all day,” she said. “There must be something else you’d want to do.”

Jon laughed huskily. He turned to look at Valerie as his stomach grumbled. He winked. “Yeah, I’d want to eat something.” His voice was thick with double meaning.

Valerie laughed and smacked Jon on the back of the head. She stood in front of him, cocked a hip, and crossed her arms, causing the sweater that reached mid-thigh on her to rise up an inch or two, making Jon swallow hard. “You men,” she said playfully. “Always thinking with your stomach’s best interests at heart.”

“Not always,” Jon countered, flashing a saucy grin. Jon held out a hand to Valerie, who took it, allowing herself to be drawn into his lap.

Valerie settled in, her arms winding around his neck as his wrapped around his waist. Their eyes met and locked a second before their mouths did the same. Valerie pushed her hands through Jon’s hair. The silky, heavy feel of it, combined with the taste of coffee on his breath, and the feel of his arousal beneath her made her sigh.

Jon deepened the kiss and pulled on the hem of her sweater until he could touch skin. He moaned into her mouth. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath the sweater. He let his hands trail up and down Valerie’s side until she was squeaking and twitching on his lap. He let his fingers drift to her core, and dipped inside, finding her wet and wanting. Jon couldn’t stand the temptation anymore. He scooped Valerie up, making her laugh.

“You’re going to spoil me, you know, carrying me off to bed,” she teased.

“Well, darlin’,” Jon answered, “maybe I think you deserve to be spoiled.”

Valerie wrapped her arms tightly around Jon’s neck and buried her face in his shoulder so he wouldn’t see the tears that were forming. He’d think she was a basket case for sure, tearing up all the time. She just couldn’t help it. This man, this familiar stranger, was awakening in her feelings and sensations she hadn’t experienced in some time. The fact that it was this particular man doing the awakening made it just that much more intense.

She latched her mouth onto Jon’s neck, and bit him lightly. “Hurry,” she said.

Chapter 7

The pair was twined together, not moving while their breathing evened out and their heart rates returned to normal. “Wow,” Valerie said.

“Yeah,” Jon agreed, kissing Valerie’s cheek. “Wow, indeed.”

He shifted to Valerie’s side, and pulled her to him. They lay snuggled together for a while, listening to the ocean and basking in the afterglow of their loving. Valerie’s head was pillowed on Jon’s chest, and she was lightly stroking the soft hair there. Jon had one arm wrapped around Valerie’s shoulders, and the other pillowed behind his own head. He turned to lay rest his chin on the top of Valerie’s head. Valerie let out a contented sigh.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Jon asked, starting to lightly stroke Valerie’s arm, sending shivers through her.

“Not one damn thing,” she answered, as her own hand traced the contours of Jon’s chest. He was powerfully built; all muscle and bronze skin and soft, soft hair. She loved the feel of him next to her. Hell, she loved the feeling of him on and under her, too. Valerie’s mouth was positioned near one of Jon’s small, brown nipples, and her tongue darted out to lick it. Jon inhaled sharply, and Valerie smiled.

“What’s the matter, baby?” she asked, giggling.

Jon shifted so that Valerie lay on her back, and he propped his head up on his hand to look at her. He traced a hand gently over her face, as if memorizing her features. Valerie had just closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, when Jon sat up. Valerie opened her eyes, questioning, and the lust she saw in his face took her breath away. She reached for him, but he smiled and shook his head, took her arms, and arranged them above her head. He leaned down to kiss her lips gently. “Stay,” he said softly.

All Valerie could do was nod. She lay there, watching his face as his hands traced over her arms to her neck across her collarbone, and around her sensitized breasts, avoiding their rosy tips. He circled around them, but didn’t touch them. He trailed his calloused fingertips across her ribs and stomach and down her thigh and back again. Over and over. Soon, Valerie was making little mewling sounds in the back of her throat, and her head had lolled to one side.

“What’s the matter now?” Jon asked, teasingly.

“You’re driving me crazy,” Valerie replied on a whisper.

“Is that a bad thing?” Jon was now circling Valerie’s belly button slowly, tickling her.

“N-n-no,” she said on a ragged breath, as his finger dipped lower, tangling in her curls.

Jon chuckled, and angled his finger lower, into the folds of her most intimate flesh, finding the hard little button hidden there and stroking it gently. Valerie moaned loudly, and let her thighs open slightly. Jon laughed, and moved his other hand so he could gently slide two fingers into her. He slowly stroked his fingers in and out of her, while keeping up the sweet, sweet torture of her swollen clit.

Valerie’s head was tossing back and forth, and Jon could feel her squeezing him; could feel her getting closer to the edge. Her breath came in quick little pants, and her arms were shaking at not being able to grab onto something, anything, to help her through this. “Jon,” she said, on a strangled cry, “I want to share this with you. Please.”

“You are, baby, you are.” Jon slowed his hands more, drawing out the torture. Valerie’s hips moved of their own accord, trying to speed up his motion, but to no avail. Jon bent to blow softly on her heated flesh, and that was it. Valerie screamed Jon’s name, and arched off the bed. He kept up the gentle stroking until Valerie’s breathing calmed down, then positioned himself between her legs. “Look at me,” he said.

Valerie looked through hooded slits at Jon’s gorgeous face. He locked that laser-intense gaze on her, and the raw lust in his eyes started the waves building again, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Jon drove into her with a hard thrust, making her scream again. Valerie wrapped her legs around Jon’s waist and held on for the ride. He pumped in and out of her roughly, bringing her to the edge and backing off, slowing his pace, until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

Valerie scratched her fingernails down Jon’s chest, leaving little trails of white against the tanned skin. He hissed, and pinned her arms over her head with his hands while he continued to stroke into her. He leaned down to capture first one, then the other hard nipple into his mouth, sucking greedily on them.

When he felt Valerie start to go over the edge, he stopped moving altogether, relishing the feeling of her constricting around him, milking him.

When he felt Valerie starting to relax, he shifted her legs so they were resting on his shoulders, and brought her to the edge again, driving her over with powerful thrusts. With a long, low groan, Jon emptied into her, flying off the precipice with her. He slowed his movements gradually, until he stopped altogether. Dropping Valerie’s legs from his shoulders, he lowered himself; his hands on either side of her face. He kissed her gently, smiling at the utter contentment he saw there. Jon collapsed in a heap next to Valerie, careful not to crush her, and gathered her close. He felt an arm snake around his waist, and a thigh nudge between his, and all too soon, he heard the slow steady breathing of a sleeping woman.

Jon just lay there, holding Valerie close, marveling at the happiness he felt.

After a while, he followed her into sleep.